Summer RISE and learning to scuba dive

Cynthia Rosselle   Jul 23, 2024

Hi everyone! My name is Kailey Waxman and I am a rising senior at Wootton High School. Throughout my whole life I have had a love for the ocean and growing up I would go snorkeling with my dad all the time. Coming into my teenage years I really wanted to learn how to scuba dive, but I needed to learn how to get involved. In Mexico, my dad and I tried to learn how to dive, but it did not go very well (we didn't make it out of the pool). However, the attempt now makes a great anecdote and gets people laughing. 

I have always had a passion for the environment and in the past two years, I have enjoyed getting more involved in my community's environmental issues. So, when my school sent out an email saying that we could apply to a summer internship [through Summer RISE] tailored to our interests, of course, I wanted to apply. Eventually, I found out which host I was going to work with, and when I saw One Ocean Scuba, I could not have been more stoked! When it could not have gotten any better, Cindy reached out and asked if I participate in a Discover Scuba Diving session. When I found out I was out shopping with my friends. Unfortunately, I could not contain my excitement and I actually yelled, “I’m going scuba diving on Sunday!” and everyone turned and looked at me in the store.

The day was finally here and scuba diving exceeded my expectations. It was everything I thought it would be and more. Scuba diving is such a cool way to meet people who are from all different backgrounds and have so many different life experiences. Immediately, I wanted to get my open water certification which I am in the process of achieving. Flash forward to June, the program at the dive shop began. Colette planned these amazing activities for us to do all day and we learned all about the water cycle, coral conservation, and water monitoring. These activities were not only super fun, but they allowed me to experience hands-on activities that taught important concepts about the environment. 

The program and experience have been truly amazing and everyone I have met and worked with at the dive shop are the nicest and most interesting people. One Ocean Scuba has the most welcoming and encouraging environment I have ever experienced and they will work with you until you reach your goal. Wish me luck for my diving certification in August and hopefully, I’ll see you on the dive trips soon! 
